AI Tool
Artificial Intelligence (A.I. for short) was first proposed in 1958 and was confidently predicted to be in full bloom “very soon now”. It hasn’t exactly worked out that way – 67 years later we are just starting to learn how to deal with AI that is incapable of originating an idea and works by frantically copying and averaging everything it can find within a large ‘training set” of data.
If you’re going to make an “artificial anything” you must know what that “anything” is no one can say to this day what “intelligence” is. What we seem to have now is software that will deliver long monologues describing what it has found in the training material.
Still, there is a use for such monologues – think of legal boilerplate text and much sales literature. AI can make some headway there but it’s a long way from being smarter than we are.
This slogan summarizes my appreciation of AI today – a wonderful tool if you don’t want your product corrupted by ideas.