Businesses seem to think that all technologists are standardized – that they can just open the door and let another one in to pick up where the last one left off without interruption. When we come up with something new and better they either reject it because it wasn’t their idea or claim it as their idea. Our job is to implement their ideas, it seems.
We do not exist in the political sphere, they believe – that’s stuff for greater minds like theirs. They don’t realize that “the art of the possible” (Von Bismark’s definition of politics) is constrained by what “the possible” is. Politics is to them a matter of dividing up what they think is possible.
Technologists are in the business of expanding “the possible”. Perhaps if politicians learned how to work with us and understand how we think we might be able to move towards a better form of politics that’s not only about taking from some to give to others.