Homebrew Computer Club Official
The legendary Homebrew Computer Club held its first meeting on March 5, 1975 in a garage with 30 attendees who braved a rainstorm to see and discuss the first Altair 8800 personal computer in the Bay Area. After a months’ break, it met every two weeks until Dec. 1986 as a forum open to all who wanted to make connections in the radical new field of personal computers.
The meeting process, which I designed early on, allowed attendees to discover who they wished to contact in order to forward their projects (the “mapping session”) and to allow them to spend some time in conversation (the “random access session”).
Steve Wozniak was at all the early meetings designing his hardware and code. Thousands attended and participated over its 11-year run. In December, 1986, with the help of a great cartoonist, Larry Gonick, I assembled some imagery pertinent to the Homebrew Computer Club as a logo. I put these together for a T-shirt sold on the occasion of the club’s final meeting. Now I have reissued the shirts and have issued the poster version.
The cartoon shows a caricature of Chares Proteus Steinmetz – a hero of mine, posing for a photograph at the inauguration of one of his big generators (he taught American engineers how to calculate with alternating current starting around 1890). He was a German immigrant hunchback dwarf and was never admitted to “polite society” of the day, but he changed to world.
The front of the shirt shows him in front of the massive, throbbing machine – hand on the switch, dressed in formal wear. The rear of the shirt shows the rear view, with Steinmetz’ fingers crossed as the photographer takes his shot.
Poster – an 8-1/2” X 11” print of the Homebrew Computer Club logo – (front view only), printed on matte 110-lb stock, ready to mount or frame (check with your local copy shop).